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28 January 2025

Truth Matters: Simply God

Various Passages

God is not divided into parts. He is not partly love, partly sovereign and partly wise like a chocolate cake that consists of different ingredients. Neither are his attributes something added to his real being like a woman who adds jewelry or make-up to make herself look more attractive. God in his essence is all love, all holiness, all beauty, all sovereignty, all eternal, and so on. He has no main attribute. His love is wise and his wisdom is love. People who fail to understand this make unbiblical statements like, "A God of love would never send someone to hell." Do they not know that the God who is all love, is all holy too? When a certain man went through a time of tremendous suffering he said, "God delights to trample me in the dust for his own glory." Yes, God is all sovereign but do not forget that He is all love too. If we believe that God is all his attributes fully, we will not fall into such errors. A message by Ivor Jefferies.
